
Medical cannabis is cannabis that is used to treat some type of medical condition. While technically, there is no difference between the cannabis plants that are used to make medical cannabis products and the cannabis plants that are used to make recreational cannabis products, the two are still classified differently. The difference in classification is due to legal ramifications and tax purposes. While medical cannabis products require a doctor’s prescription in order to purchase them, recreational cannabis is available in all states where it is legal to anyone who is 21 years of age or older.


Welcome to Culture Cannabis Club in Banning, where community and cannabis come together as a central part of life. We offer both medical and recreational cannabis products to our friends in Banning with a smile and with answers to all of your cannabis questions. Medical and recreational cannabis come from the same plant, but medical cannabis is prescribed by a doctor in order to treat certain medical conditions. Technically, there is no difference between the plants used to make recreational products and those used to make medical grade cannabis products.

Medical Cannabis from Culture Cannabis Club in Banning

The cannabis plant contains chemicals called cannabinoids, which all have different effects on the human body. THC and CBD are the main cannabinoids that are used for medical conditions, but researchers are studying cannabis to find out more about what types of conditions cannabis can help treat. We believe that we are just scratching the surface when it comes to the abilities of this amazing plant.

We’re Here to Help With High-Quality Cannabis

Whenever you are in the Banning area, come and see us at Culture Cannabis Club. Be a part of our cannabis community and discover what’s different about the medical cannabis experience that we offer. If you have questions, just speak to one of our Culture Cannabis Club team members to find out which type of medical cannabis would be best for your needs.

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Medical Cannabis Pickup

Medical Marijuana Pickup

Medical Weed Pickup

Medical Weed Near Me

Banning, CA

Beaumont, CA

Cabazon, CA

San Jacinto, CA

Calimesa, CA

Cherry Valley, CA