
Medical cannabis is cannabis that is used to treat some type of medical condition. While technically, there is no difference between the cannabis plants that are used to make medical cannabis products and the cannabis plants that are used to make recreational cannabis products, the two are still classified differently. The difference in classification is due to legal ramifications and tax purposes. While medical cannabis products require a doctor’s prescription in order to purchase them, recreational cannabis is available in all states where it is legal to anyone who is 21 years of age or older.


Here at Culture Cannabis Club in Moreno Valley, we truly believe in the value of community and the healing power of cannabis. No matter what kind of cannabis you are looking for, you will be healthier, happier, and closer to healing than ever before with our medical cannabis products. We are a place to come together to share the common love of cannabis, and we know that you’ll love the atmosphere and the friendly team at Culture Cannabis Club.

Swing By Our Location in Moreno Valley for Medical Cannabis

Medical cannabis can be taken many ways. Whether you smoke it, vaporize it, apply it as a topical, or consume it through gummies, brownies, candies, or beverages, medical cannabis can provide relief for many medical issues. With many available flavors and types of cannabis products available, Culture Cannabis Club in Moreno Valley is going to be the best cannabis experience of your life.

Find Relief with Flower, Topicals, and More

Each time you come through the doors here at Culture Cannabis Club, you will be welcomed with open arms. We believe in the value of personalized experiences when it comes to buying medical cannabis and recreational cannabis here in Moreno Valley. Our community is full of connections that matter to us. When you buy your medical cannabis from Culture Cannabis Club, you can trust that we will do our best to share the curative power of our beloved plant.

Medicinal Cannabis, Medical Cannabis Near Me, Medical Cannabis Delivery, Medical Marijuana & Medical Weed Moreno Valley, CA, Riverside, CA, Highgrove, CA, Loma Linda, CA, Woodcrest, CA & Mead Valley, CA

Medical Weed Near Me Moreno Valley, CA | Medical Cannabis Near Me Riverside, CA | Medical Marijuana Pickup Highgrove, CA

Medical Weed PickupMedical Marijuana PickupMedical Weed Near MeMedical Cannabis Pickup ∴ Mead Valley, CA ∴ Riverside, CA ∴ Highgrove, CA

Medical Cannabis Pickup

Medical Marijuana Pickup

Medical Weed Pickup

Medical Weed Near Me

Highgrove, CA

Moreno Valley, CA

Riverside, CA

Loma Linda, CA

Mead Valley, CA

Woodcrest, CA