
Medical cannabis is cannabis that is used to treat some type of medical condition. While technically, there is no difference between the cannabis plants that are used to make medical cannabis products and the cannabis plants that are used to make recreational cannabis products, the two are still classified differently. The difference in classification is due to legal ramifications and tax purposes. While medical cannabis products require a doctor’s prescription in order to purchase them, recreational cannabis is available in all states where it is legal to anyone who is 21 years of age or older.


Culture Cannabis Club in Stanton is happy to welcome you with open arms and open minds. Come to our beautiful store to begin your journey to health and healing with our medical and recreational cannabis products. Even though medical cannabis and recreational cannabis are the same substance, they are classified differently for tax and legal purposes. Here at Culture Cannabis Club, we can explain the differences and show you all of your options, too.

Medical Cannabis in Stanton

Here at Culture Cannabis Club, we offer a wide variety of medical cannabis products that can help you overcome and improve many different issues and symptoms. If you are unclear about usage or dosing recommendations, we are happy to help with any questions that you may have. Technically, there is no difference between the cannabis plants used to make recreational products and the plants used to make medical cannabis products. Here at Culture Cannabis Club, you can purchase both, as long as you have a medical cannabis license.

Culture Cannabis Club Has the Cannabis Products You Need to Find Relief

We believe that scientists are just breaking the surface when it comes to all of the amazing effects of this miraculous plant. The cannabinoid chemicals in cannabis seem to have a lot of untapped potential, so it’s exciting to be on this journey with you. Come and see us at Culture Cannabis Club when you’re in the Stanton area to see which medical cannabis products would work best for you.

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Medical Dispensary in Stanton, CA | Medical Cannabis Near Me Westminster, CA

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Medical Dispensary

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